Pretreatment plant : water pretreatment removes suspended impurities, solids, colloids and living organisms from raw water.
Alum Dosing : alum is use as a floceulant to remove unwanted colour and turbidity from water.
Sodium hypochoride : Cholrine is a highly efficient disinfectant and is added to water supplies to kill disease-causing pathogens, that comply grow in water supply reservoirs, on the walls of water mains and in storage tanks.
Sand filter : it's removes turbidity colloid substances undesirable colour or odour, microbiological contamination, ammonia ions, iron, manganese from water and it reduces water acidity as well.
Softener : water softener is a unit that is useed to soften water, by removing the minarals from hard water by ion exchange rasin.
Bag filter : bag filter are use to remove suspended solids from water.
Cartridge filter : cartridge filter are use to remove solid material from the water.
Ultrafiltration : it’s use for removal of bacteria and other micro organisms, particulate material and natural organic material wich can import color, test and odors from the water.
Sodium hydroxide : caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) NaOH is a commonly use water treatment chemical that raises the pH of water by absorbing and carbon dioxide.
Sodium meta-bi-sulfite : sodium meta-bi-sulfite is use to remove chlorine excess in water treatment. Sodium meta-bi-sulfite functions as an oxgen scavenger in order to climinate dissolved oxygen from water.
Membrane antiscalant : antiscalant is a pretreatment water additive for reverse osmosis system that is highly effective in preventing the membrane from scaling.
RO membrane : RO is a water treatment process that removes contaminants from water by using pressure to force water molecules through a semi premeable membrane. During this process the contaminants are filtered out and flushed way leving clean delicious dinking water.
EDI : EDI is a process which combines semi-impermeable membrane technology with ion-exchange media to provide a high efficiency demineralization process.
Electro dialysis employ electrical current and specially-prepared membranes which are semi permeable to ions based on their charge, electrical current, and ability to reduce the ions based to their charge. Through electro dialysis an electrical potential transports and segregates charged aqueous species. The electrical current is used to continuously regenerate the resin, eliminating the need for periodical regeneration.
Post by Eng: Suny Sayem
Diploma in Electrical
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